Saturday, December 17, 2011

Exciting News At The New "Students' Art Blog"

I have moved this Basic Drawing Skills blog over to my own web site  Two important reasons why you should follow the link below to visit the new student blog is that 1) you can see the incredible improvement in the work of the drawing students when you compare the first and last portraits they did and 2) the student blog now features paintings from the students in my new Mastering Colour class.  Click here to go directly to the new student blog.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Class - Mastering Colour

My new class, Mastering Colour, will be starting April 5, 2011 and will run for 6 weeks.  This is a  class for people who are intimidated by colour and colour theory or  feel they would like to be more confident in colour choices.  The demos will be done in watercolour and acrylic though painters in all media can equally benefit from learning to master their colours.  Each class will involve 2 sections, 1) studying some aspect of colour and 2) doing a painting based on our knowledge of colour.

A supply list and further information will be available shortly at the Calgary School Of Art web site.

For information or to register for this class please contact me.